Alcohol Rehab & Detox Centre in Melbourne

Rehabbed is an exclusive and private drug and alcohol rehab centre located in Melbourne. Our clients are offered a 7-28 day drug and alcohol withdrawal program in a comfortable and relaxed, non-clinical environment. We value confidentiality, discreteness, support, and understanding.

A Private Luxury Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Retreat in Melbourne The path to recovery can be daunting, especially when it’s an addiction to something as entrenched in social culture as alcohol.

We use it to celebrate, commiserate and connect with friends and family.

It’s not surprising then that many Australian’s find themselves turning to drugs, such as ice, cocaine and alcohol on a regular basis to relieve stress, cope with trauma and grief, and depend on to cope in social situations, gradually reaching consumption levels that are destructive to their health, relationships and livelihood.

We understand that addiction can happen to anyone, and we’re here to help you take your life back.

We provide an adaptable, confidential, luxury retreat for those dealing with drug and alcohol abuse to break the addiction cycle and rehabilitate, healing their physical and emotional health, whether you’re from Melbourne or anywhere else in Australia or the world.

Rehabbed Melbourne: Alcohol, Cocaine & Ice Rehabilitation with a Difference

Australians are using substances, such as cocaine and ice, at an alarming rate as demand is met with an increasing ease.

We’re here to help break that cycle for you. At our private drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres in Brisbane, we provide informed, integrated medical, psychological and therapeutic treatment plans for drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

We Exist to Help You Achieve Measurable Change

Set in luxury surrounds, Rehabbed provides customised treatment in a relaxed, comfortable retreat with a team of doctors, psychologists and therapists to help your recover.

Our treatment also includes customised exercise and nutrition plans to tailor your needs. Our mission is to guide you through your healing journey, adapting your treatment when and as you need to meet your goals and restore your health and wellbeing.

Taking the First Step to Rehabilitation

Asking for help is the first step on the journey to addiction recovery, and the Rehabbed staff are here to help from the get go.

With increasing numbers of people over indulging in the party lifestyle and turning to drugs and alcohol to deal with stress, anxiety, trauma and grief, it’s not uncommon for a seemingly healthy relationship with substances to turn into a destructive addiction.

Private Executive Rehabilitation Services What You Can Expect

Forget about your preconceptions about ‘rehab’. Rehabbed is a luxury retreat providing relaxed, supportive treatment in a comfortable and supportive environment.

Each individual has their own set of stresses, triggers and addictions and as such each person receives an integrated treatment plan customised to their needs.

Our professional team work with you to build a therapy strategy incorporating medical support, psychological support, exercise, nutrition, equine therapy and leisure to nourish your mental wellbeing and rebuild physical health. 

rehabbed addictions free

Why you should choose the Rehabbed clinic for addiction treatment

We are Australia’s leading private drug and alcohol rehabilitation service. We provide best practice, evidence based treatment programs.

We rely on innovative, solution-based treatment programs personalised to each client’s individual needs.

Rehabbed provides a structured family program educating family how to best help their loved ones suffering addiction.

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    Individual accommodation in a private room in St Kilda, Melbourne

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    Meals & Personal training

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    Daily group therapy

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    One on one counselling

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    Learning how to live

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    Introduction to 12 step fellowships

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    Consultation with our Medical Specialist

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    Plus more

A typical treatment plan will incorporate elements of the following:

  • Medical assessments
  • Psychological assessments
  • Psychiatric assessments and medication review
  • Pathology testing, DNA testing and extensive analytics and diagnosis
  • Nutritional planning and chef prepared meals
  • Private therapy sessions with Master’s qualified professionals
  • Art Therapy and Music therapy
  • Physical Therapies including personal training, martial arts, swimming, bush walks, country running and more
  • Yoga therapy
  • Spa sessions including signature treatments, massage and steam therapy
  • Fun recreational activities (optional) like horse riding on the beach, abseiling, kayaking, helicopter charters and more
  • Family coaching and support

So Much More Than Just an Alcohol and Drug Rehab Program

At Rehabbed, we use evidence-based best practice and highly skilled staff to partner with you to create the optimum environment for your recovery from addiction to drugs, alcohol or unhealthy behaviours. We combine your motivation with our research-based program of education, counselling, group therapy, mindfulness, exercise and fun activities so you can reclaim control over your life and rediscover your joy and purpose in living. 

rehabbed comfortable interior

What Happens in a Melbourne Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation Centre?

Privacy is Our Priority

Addiction is like a river. It can often start small, like a trickle of water. With time, it might turn into a creek. As the water continues to flow, it carves a more defined path and can one day become a river.

It’s possible to redirect a river, but it’s a big job. We need time, resources, and a concrete plan. This requires the expertise of a range of skilled people like engineers, environmental scientists, and geographers. When the work begins early, while the river is still shallow, redirecting it is easier. But the work doesn’t stop once the river is redirected – things need to be done to keep the water from returning to its original path.

Does Rehab Work?

While recovery isn’t easy, it is absolutely possible. We know a lot about how to structure rehabilitation services to give people the best possible chance of overcoming addiction.

Residential and day rehabilitation centres allow people to focus their energy on achieving recovery. Rehab centres bring together a multidisciplinary health care team, the individual’s loved ones, and other community services to deliver the clinical treatment, emotional support and structures that lead to effective rehabilitation.

Having locally available services is particularly important in the recovery process. Local services are easier for people to find, access and attend. This can help people seek treatment earlier, which in turn can make the road to recovery that bit easier.

The answer to this depends on whether your drinking has become a problem.

This can be a tricky question to self-assess, even when the problem is escalating out of control. Generally speaking, it is best to speak with an alcohol addiction specialist about your concerns, who will then ask you a set of questions to gauge the presence and severity of alcohol use disorder (AUD).

You can self-assess prior to this by asking yourself a few simple yes/no questions.

  • Do you drink every day?
  • Do you often drink in excess?
  • Do you find yourself choosing alcohol over other activities?
  • Are your drinking habits affecting your home, school, or work life?
  • Have others expressed concern about how much you drink?
  • Have you already tried to cut back on drinking unsuccessfully?

If you have not already, try cutting back. If this does not work or is a struggle, it could be a sign that professional treatment may be beneficial. Not being able to control your intake or suffering from withdrawal symptoms are tell-tale signs that professional treatment is probably necessary.

Rehabbed has a team of addiction professionals to help you determine if you need treatment. When you contact our admissions office, they can provide you with a formal addiction assessment and helpful information over the phone.

If you are calling about a friend or family member suffering from addiction, we can support you with information and provide you with contacts for intervention assistance.

All levels of AUD are associated with a lack of control over drinking in the face of harmful consequences and benefit from treatment.

Mild and moderate cases tend to appear as patterns of habits and behaviors that the user cannot control. We offer both medical and psychological support options and can design a program for you regardless of where you fall in this spectrum.

Physical dependency is a sign of severe AUD, and we can treat withdrawal symptoms with medications before we begin other forms of therapy.

Rehabbed offers a program of cognitive therapy and counseling that aims to discover the underlying reasons for alcohol abuse. We build treatments to help you take back control from any levels of AUD.

AUD is not developed overnight, and effective alcohol abuse treatment is often a long-term effort.

The amount of time it takes is determined by the characteristics of each case. Your assessment provider should offer you a recommendation on treatment duration after they have evaluated your condition.

Recovery is a process and not an event. Treatment at a center involves a program of therapies to help you stay sober once you leave. You must give yourself time to heal physically and to internalize the lessons and strategies that will carry you through the process and beyond. Many treatment centers accept a 90-day program as the industry standard for this reason.

Rehabbed has options of 30 and 90-day programs for clients struggling with AUD. If you choose a 30-day program, you will, of course, have the opportunity to extend your treatment if it is necessary to your recovery. Both options will involve developing a personalized continuing care plan, and we provide you with a contact list of effective outpatient resources and programs to support you after your treatment has ended.

It takes some work to look into the subtle details of every program, but it is worth it to choose the right treatment for your individual needs.

An effective inpatient program is going to include many different approaches in cognitive and behavioral therapy, as well as a medical intervention when needed. An individual with AUD is struggling with a multifaceted condition that requires a dynamic approach.

Rehabbed is a licensed and healthcare-accredited treatment facility that offers the following services as part of our inpatient alcohol treatment program:

  • Medical support for detox
  • 12-step framework
  • Peer support groups
  • 1-on-1 private sessions with a therapist
  • Group therapy sessions
  • Experiential therapy on our campus and out in nature
  • Dual diagnosis and treatment for co-occurring mental health disorders
  • Drug counseling
  • Family therapy and Family Week at our campus
  • Continuing care for graduates

We believe that, especially in serious cases of alcoholism, an inpatient option is best.

Even if it is not kept in the house, alcohol is readily available and can be a constant temptation to a person going through recovery.

Staying on-site allows you to stay in an environment where you can access 24-7 medical and mental support and safely stay away from triggers. 

Rehabbed programs are housed in a substance-free campus far from the stressors of daily life. Clients undergoing withdrawal can be supervised and supported whenever they need it by a team of medical staff.  Our facility is a safe, comfortable, and restful place to stay during this critical time in recovery.

The struggles and behaviors of drinking involve the whole household, and healing is an effort that involves the entire family.

Alcohol abuse disrupts the home, and family members can find themselves developing enabling behavior and codependent relationships as a method of coping.

When your family member comes home from a treatment program, life continues, but it should not stay the same. A family-inclusive treatment program can teach everyone more about the nature of the condition and how to establish boundaries and communicate about alcohol. It is crucial to learn these skills so everyone can be involved and supportive in the recovery process.

Rehabbed has a peerless family program among alcohol treatment facilities. Our four-day program occurs every three weeks at our campus, and we strongly encourage you to visit us. During this time, we host educational lectures, engaging workshops, and intimate therapy sessions. We recognize that alcohol abuse is often traumatic for everyone involved, and we have designed this program to help you come together and heal as a family unit.

In the grand scheme of things, the time spent at a treatment center is just a small fraction of the journey towards sobriety.

After you graduate from a program, you should have access to resources to support you as you continue on your recovery.

At Rehabbed, continuing care is another key part of our recovery program. Before you leave our facility, we will create a personalized aftercare plan that may include AA or sober living, ongoing therapy, or 12-step meetings local to you or online.

There are also several Rehabbed-specific alumni groups and reunions to help you stay connected. Staying in touch with your peers can be highly beneficial, and this allows us to continue to help each other through the hard work ahead.

Let Refocus Help You Begin Again

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